Colorado Jeep & 4WD
Dinosaur & Rangely Jeeping & ATV/UTV Trails

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Rangely Rock Crawling
From Highway 64, on the west side of Rangely, turn south on River Road. Proceed on River Road until it curves onto County Road 2 and proceed west 2.1 miles. As the Road curves uphill and to the south, turn onto the south side of the road and pull into the parking area with kiosk. From this point follow the marked dirt track 3 tenths of a mile to the southeast where the entrance to the first track is marked.
The designated area for Rock Crawling and tracks are marked as they are developed.

Rangely Rock Crawling Park: Rock crawling is an extreme form of off-road driving. In rock crawling, drivers pilot highly modified four-wheel-drive vehicles over very harsh terrain. Driving locations include boulders, mountain foothills, rock piles, mountain trails, etc. Rock crawling is about slow-speed with careful and precise driving. You often drive up, down and across obstacles that would appear completely impassable to the average person.
Two types of Rock Crawling tracks exist within the park.
- Trails-long sinuous tracks along shelves
- Playgrounds-shelves of rock with multiple challenge
For complete Jeeping & ATV Information near Dinosaur/Rangely Contact:
White River Field Office
73544 Highway 64
Meeker, Colorado 81641
More Activities & Information
Dinosaur Area, Colorado includes: Rangely